Apply Mask

Apply binary mask to an image.

apply_mask(img, mask, mask_color, device, debug=False)

returns device, masked image

  • Parameters:
    • img = image object to be masked
    • mask= binary image object (black background with white object)
    • mask_color= 'white' or 'black'
    • device- Counter for image processing steps
    • debug- Default value is False, if True, masked intermediate image will be printed
  • Context:
    • Apply a binary image mask over a grayscale or RGB image. Useful for seperating plant and background materials.
  • Example use:

Original RGB image


Mask image


import plantcv as pcv

# Apply binary 'white' mask over an image. 
device, masked_image = pcv.apply_mask(img, mask, 'white', device, debug=True)

White-masked image


import plantcv as pcv

# Apply binary 'black' mask over an image.
device, masked_image = pcv.apply_mask(img, mask, 'black', device, debug=True)

Black-masked image
