Find Objects

Find objects within the image.

find_objects(img, mask, device, debug=None)

returns device, objects, object hierarchy

  • Parameters:
    • img - image that the objects will be overlayed
    • mask - what is used for object detection
    • device - Counter for image processing steps
    • debug- None, "print", or "plot". Print = save to file, Plot = print to screen. Default = None
  • Context:
    • Used to identify objects (plant material) in an image.
  • Example use:

Original image


Input binary mask


import plantcv as pcv

# Identify objects (plant material) in an image, all objects regardless of hierarchy are filled (e.g. holes between leaves).
device, id_objects, obj_hierarchy = pcv.find_objects(img, mask, device, debug="print")

Image with contours highlighted
