Summary of Output Measurements and Units

  1. Analyze Object Function:
    • Object Area - object area, pixels (units)
    • Convex-Hull Area - area of convex-hull, pixels (units)
    • Solidity - Ratio, object area divided by convex hull area.
    • Object Perimeter Length - pixels (units)
    • Object Width (extent x) - pixels (units)
    • Object Height (extent y) - pixels (units)
    • Longest Axis - pixels (units)
    • Center of Mass-X - x-coordinate, pixels (units)
    • Center of Mass-Y - y-coordinate, pixels (units)
    • Hull Vertices - number of convex-hull vertices
    • In Bounds - True or False (if False the object is touching top of image)
    • Object Bounding Ellipse Center-X - x-coordinate, pixels (units)
    • Object Bounding Ellipse Center-Y - y-coordinate, pixels (units)
    • Object Bounding Ellipse Major Axis - length of major axis of bounding ellipse, pixels (units)
    • Object Bounding Ellipse Minor Axis - length of minor axis of bounding ellipse, pixels (units)
    • Object Bounding Ellipse Angle - rotation of ellipse in degrees
    • Object Bounding Ellipse Eccentricity - ratio, 'roundness' of object (a perfect circle is 0, ellipse is greater than 0 but less than 1)

  1. Analyze Color Function:
    • Red Channel - histogram of object pixel intensity values 0 (unsaturated) to 255 (saturated)
    • Green Channel - histogram of object pixel intensity values 0 (unsaturated) to 255 (saturated)
    • Blue Channel - histogram of object pixel intensity values 0 (unsaturated) to 255 (saturated)
    • Hue Channel - histogram of object pixel intensity values 0 (unsaturated) to 255 (saturated)
    • Saturation Channel - histogram of object pixel intensity values 0 (unsaturated) to 255 (saturated)
    • Value Channel - histogram of object pixel intensity values 0 (unsaturated) to 255 (saturated)
    • Lightness Channel - histogram of object pixel intensity values 0 (unsaturated) to 255 (saturated)
    • Green-Magenta Channel - histogram of object pixel intensity values 0 (unsaturated) to 255 (saturated)
    • Blue-Yellow Channel - histogram of object pixel intensity values 0 (unsaturated) to 255 (saturated)

  1. Analyze Bound Function:
    • Y-Position - Height of the bound line used for measurement (height from bottom of image), pixels (units)
    • Height-Above-Bound - Extent-y of object above bound line, pixels (units)
    • Height-Below-Bound - Extent-y of object below bound line, pixels (units)
    • Area-Above-Bound - area of object above bound line, pixels (units)
    • Area-Below-Bound - area of object below bound line, pixels (units)
    • Percent-Above-Bound - percentage of total area above the bound line
    • Percent-Below-Bound - percentage of total area below the bound line

  1. Analyze NIR Intensity Function:
    • Bins - bin values based on number of bins set by user
    • Signal Histogram - histogram of object pixel intensity values 0 (unsaturated) to 255 (saturated)

  1. PSII-FV/FM Function:
    • Bin-number - number of bins set by user
    • FV/FM Bins - bin values based on number of bins set by user
    • FV/FM Histogram - histogram of FV/FM ratio values for object
    • FV/FM Histogram Peak - bin value of histogram peak (greatest number of pixels)
    • FV/FM Median - bin value of histogram median
    • F-Dark Passed QC - Check (True or False) to determine if Fdark image does not have pixel intensity values above 2000.

  1. Report Size Marker Function:
    • Marker-Area - area of marker, pixels (units)
    • Marker Bounding Ellipse Major Axis - length of major axis of bounding ellipse, pixels (units)
    • Marker Bounding Ellipse Minor Axis - length of minor axis of bounding ellipse, pixels (units)
    • Marker Bounding Ellipse Eccentricity - ratio, 'roundness' of object (a perfect circle is 0, ellipse is greater than 0 but less than 1)

  1. Watershed Segmentation Function:
    • Estimated-Object-Count - number of objects (e.g. estimated leaf count)