Tutorial: Machine Learning

Machine learning methods can be used to train a trainable classifier to detect features of interest. In the tutorial below we describe how to train and use the first trainable classifier we have made available in PlantCV. See the Naive Bayes Classifier documentation for more details on the methodology.

Naive Bayes

The naive Bayes approach used here can be trained to label pixels as plant or background. In other words, it can be trained to, given a color image, output a binary image where background is labeled as black (0) and plant is labeled as white (255). The goal is to replace the need to set binary threshold values manually.

To train the classifier, we need to label a relatively small set of images using a binary mask (just like above). We can use PlantCV to create a binary mask for a set of input images using the methods described in the VIS Tutorial.

For the purpose of this tutorial, we assume we are in a folder containing two subfolders, one containing original RGB images, and one containing black and white masks that match the set of RGB images.

First, use plantcv-train.py to use the training images to output probability density functions (PDFs) for plant and background.

plantcv-train.py naive_bayes --imgdir ./images --maskdir ./masks --outfile naive_bayes_pdfs.txt --plots

The output file from plantcv-train.py will contain one row for each color channel (hue, saturation, and value) for each class (plant and background). The first and second column are the class and channel label, respectively. The remaining 256 columns contain the p-value from the PDFs for each intensity value observable in an 8-bit image (0-255).

Once we have the plantcv-train.py output file, we can classify pixels in a color image in PlantCV.

import plantcv as pcv

# Read in a color image
img, path, filename = pcv.readimage("color_image.png")

# Classify the pixels as plant or background
device, mask = pcv.naive_bayes_classifier(img, pdf_file="naive_bayes_pdfs.txt", device=0, debug="print")

See the Naive Bayes Classifier documentation for example input/output.

Naive Bayes Multiclass

The naive Bayes multiclass approach is an extension of the naive Bayes approach described above. Just like the approach above it can be trained to output binary images given an input color image. Unlike the naive Bayes method above, the naive Bayes multiclass approach can be trained to classify two or more classes, defined by the user. Additionally, the naive Bayes multiclass method is trained using colors sparsely sampled from images rather than the need to label all pixels in a given image.

To train the classifier, we need to build a table of red, green, and blue color values for pixels sampled evenly from each class. The idea here is to collect a relevant sample of pixel color data for each class. The size of the sample needed to build robust probability density functions for each class will depend on a number of factors, including the variability in class colors and imaging quality/reproducibility. To collect pixel color data we currently use the Pixel Inspection Tool in ImageJ. An example table built from pixel samples looks like this:

Plant       Pustule     Chlorosis   Background
109,122,68  136,96,0    151,155,65  227,226,221
103,114,58  139,93,0    148,151,67  232,231,226
92,103,46   142,94,0    143,147,59  230,229,224
94,110,52   156,110,33  177,170,109 226,225,220
94,110,52   166,116,49  179,172,111 226,225,220
91,107,48   162,106,43  182,173,107 230,229,224
91,104,50   161,103,40  187,181,79  228,227,222
78,91,35    153,96,26   180,174,70  228,227,222
85,99,44    148,90,17   183,179,77  230,229,224
90,100,48   150,95,23   129,129,37  229,228,223
81,91,38    147,95,23   118,118,22  230,229,224

Each column in the tab-delimited table is a feature class (in this example, plant, pustule, chlorosis, or background) and each cell is a comma-separated red, green, and blue triplet for a pixel.

To collect pixel samples, open the color image in ImageJ.


Use the Pixel Inspector Tool to select regions of the image belonging to a single class. Copy and paste the pixel red, green, and blue values into a spreadsheet or text editor and reformat into a single column per class. In this example, nine pixels are sampled with one click but the radius is adjustable.


Once a satisfactory sample of pixels is collected, save the table as a tab-delimited text file. Like the naive Bayes method described above, us plantcv-train.py to use the pixel samples to output probability density functions (PDFs) for each class.

plantcv-train.py naive_bayes_multiclass --file pixel_samples.txt --outfile naive_bayes_pdfs.txt --plots

The output file from plantcv-train.py will contain one row for each color channel (hue, saturation, and value) for each class. The first and second column are the class and channel label, respectively. The remaining 256 columns contain the p-value from the PDFs for each intensity value observable in an 8-bit image (0-255).

Once we have the plantcv-train.py output file, we can classify pixels in a color image in PlantCV using the same function described in the naive Bayes section above. The example image above, pseudocolored by class is shown below:


Parallelizing image classification

To parallelize the naive Bayes methods described above, construct a pipeline script following the guidelines in the Pipeline Parallelization tutorial, but with an additional argument provided for the probability density functions file output by plantcv-train.py. For example:

#!/usr/bin/env python

import argparse
import plantcv as pcv

# Parse command-line arguments
def options():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Imaging processing with opencv")
    parser.add_argument("-i", "--image", help="Input image file.", required=True)
    parser.add_argument("-o", "--outdir", help="Output directory for image files.", required=False)
    parser.add_argument("-r", "--result", help="result file.", required=False)
    parser.add_argument("-r2", "--coresult", help="result file.", required=False)
    parser.add_argument("-p", "--pdfs", help="Naive Bayes PDF file.", required=True)
    parser.add_argument("-w", "--writeimg", help="write out images.", default=False, action="store_true")
    parser.add_argument("-D", "--debug", help="Turn on debug, prints intermediate images.", default=None)
    args = parser.parse_args()
    return args

def main():
    # Get options
    args = options()

    # Initialize device counter
    device = 0

    # Read in the input image
    vis, path, filename = pcv.readimage(filename=args.image, debug=args.debug)

    # Classify each pixel as plant or background (background and system components)
    device, masks = pcv.naive_bayes_classifier(img=vis, pdf_file=args.pdfs, device=device, debug=args.debug)

    # Additional steps in the pipeline go here

Then run plantcv-pipeline.py with options set based on the input images, but where the naive Bayes PDF file is input using the --other_args flag, for example:

plantcv-pipeline.py \
--dir ./my-images \
--pipeline my-naive-bayes-script.py \
--db my-db.sqlite3 \
--outdir . \
--meta imgtype_camera_timestamp \
--create \
--other_args="--pdfs naive_bayes_pdfs.txt"