Cluster Contours and Split Images

This function takes clustered contours and splits them into multiple images, also does a check to make sure that the number of inputted filenames matches the number of clustered contours.

plantcv.cluster_contour_splitimg(rgb_img, grouped_contour_indexes, contours, hierarchy, outdir, file=None, filenames=None)

returns output_paths

  • Parameters:
    • rgb_img = RGB image data
    • grouped_contour_indexes = output of cluster_contours, indexes of clusters of contours
    • contours = contours to cluster, output of cluster_contours
    • hierarchy = object hierarchy
    • outdir = directory for output images
    • file = the name of the input image to use as a base name , output of filename from read_image function
    • filenames = input txt file with list of filenames in order from top to bottom left to right (likely list of genotypes)
  • Context:
  • Example use:

Output of Cluster Contours


from plantcv import plantcv as pcv

# Set global debug behavior to None (default), "print" (to file), or "plot" (Jupyter Notebooks or X11)

pcv.params.debug = "print"

# Cluster Contours and Split into Separate Images 
out = './examples/'
output_path = pcv.cluster_contour_splitimg(img1, clusters_i, contours, hierarchy, out, file, filenames=None)

Split the Clusters into Separate Images (example of a few images)

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