Read Image with Bayer Mosaic

Reads image into numpy ndarray and splits the path and image filename. This is a wrapper for the OpenCV function imread. In contrast to readimage, this function is specifically designed to read images with Bayer mosaic pixel pattern and return a demosaicked image.

plantcv.readbayer(filename, bayerpattern = 'BG', alg = "default")

returns img, path, image filename

  • Parameters:

    • filename - image file to be read (possibly including a path)
    • bayerpattern - arrangement of the pixels. Often found by trial and error. ("BG","GB","RG","GR")
    • alg - algorithm with which to demosaic the image. ("default","EdgeAware","VariableNumberGradients")
  • Context:

    • Reads in an image file with Bayer mosaic pixel pattern to be processed
  • Example use:
    • Not exactly available, but could substitute for readimage in VIS Tutorial
from plantcv import plantcv as pcv      

# Set global debug behavior to None (default), "print" (to file), or "plot" (Jupyter Notebooks or X11)
pcv.params.debug = "print"

#read in image
img, path, img_filename=pcv.readbayer("home/user/images/test-image.tiff")