Background Subtraction

Creates a binary image from a background subtraction of the foreground using cv2.BackgroundSubtractorMOG().
The binary image returned is a mask that should contain mostly foreground pixels.
The background image should be the same background as the foreground image except not containing the object of interest.

Images must be of the same size and type.
If not, larger image will be taken and downsampled to smaller image size.
If they are of different types, an error will occur.

background_subtraction(foreground_image, background_image, device, debug=None)

returns device, foreground mask

Foreground Image


Background Image


from plantcv import plantcv as pcv
# Create a foreground mask from both images using cv2.BackgroundSubtractorMOG().
device, fgmask = pcv.background_subtraction(foreground_image, background_image, device, debug = "print")

Foreground Mask
