Define Region of Interest (ROI)

Define a region of interest of the image.

define_roi(img, shape, device, roi=None, roi_input='default', debug=None, adjust=False, x_adj=0, y_adj=0, w_adj=0, h_adj=0)

returns device, ROI contour, ROI hierarchy

Important Note: In order for downstream detection of objects within a region of interest to perform properly ROI must be completely contained within the image.

How to Adjust The ROI

- If -adjust is set to False, then the ROI is the full size of the image (Top)
- If you would like to adjust the ROI then it is in the context of the full size of the image (see example image, bottom)


from plantcv import plantcv as pcv

# Define region of interest in an image, there is a futher function 'ROI Objects' that allows 
# the user to define if you want to include objects partially inside ROI or if you want to do cut objects to ROI.
device, roi, roi_hierarchy = define_roi(img, 'rectangle', device, roi=None, roi_input='default', debug="print", adjust=True, x_adj=0, y_adj=0, w_adj=0, h_adj=-925)

Image with rectangular ROI


from plantcv import plantcv as pcv

# Define region of interest in an image, there is a futher function 'ROI Objects' that allows 
# the user to define if you want to include objects partially inside ROI or if you want to do cut objects to ROI.
device, roi, roi_hierarchy = define_roi(img, 'circle', device, roi=None, roi_input='default', debug="print", adjust=True, x_adj=0, y_adj=0, w_adj=0, h_adj=-925)

Image with circular ROI


from plantcv import plantcv as pcv

# Define region of interest in an image, there is a futher function 'ROI Objects' that allows
# the user to define if you want to include objects partially inside ROI or if you want to do cut objects to ROI.
device, roi, roi_hierarchy = define_roi(img, 'ellipse', device, roi=None, roi_input='default', debug="print", adjust=True, x_adj=0, y_adj=0, w_adj=0, h_adj=-925)

Image with elliptical ROI
