Gaussian Blur

Applies a gaussian blur filter. Applies median value to central pixel within a kernel size (ksize x ksize). The function is a wrapper for the OpenCV function gaussian blur.

gaussian_blur(device, img, ksize, sigmax=0, sigmay=None, debug=None)**

returns device, blurred image

Original image


from plantcv import plantcv as pcv

# Apply gaussian blur to a binary image that has been previously thresholded.
device, gaussian_img = pcv.gaussian_blur(device, img=img1, ksize=(51,51), sigmax=0, sigmay=None, debug='print')

Gaussian blur (ksize = (51,51))


from plantcv import plantcv as pcv

# Apply gaussian blur to a binary image that has been previously thresholded.
device, gaussian_img = pcv.gaussian_blur(device, img=img1, ksize=(101,101), sigmax=0, sigmay=None, debug='print')

Gaussian blur (ksize = (101,101))
