Correct Color

Corrects the color profile of a source RGB image to the color profile of a target RGB image. This function outputs target_matrix, source_matrix, and transformation_matrix and saves them to the output directory as .npz files. It also outputs, corrected_img, but storage (print or plot) is determined by debug mode.

plantcv.transform.correct_color(target_img, target_mask, source_img, source_mask, output_directory)

returns target_matrix, source_matrix, transformation_matrix, corrected_img

Important Note: Each image must contain a reference from which color values are sampled. The following example uses a 24-color Colorchecker passport.

To see an example of how to create a gray-scale mask of color chips see here.

Reference Images

Target Image Screenshot

Source Image


from plantcv import plantcv as pcv
import cv2

target_img = cv2.imread("target_img.png")
source_img = cv2.imread("source1_img.png")
target_mask = cv2.imread("mask_img.png", -1) # mask must be read in "as-is" include -1
source_mask = cv2.imread("mask_img.png", -1) # in this case, as our images share a zoom level and colorchecker placement, the same mask is used for both the target and the source.
output_directory = "."

pcv.params.debug = 'plot'

target_matrix, source_matrix, transformation_matrix, corrected_img = pcv.transform.correct_color(target_img, target_mask, source_img, source_mask, output_directory)


Color Matrix

Computes the average R, G, B values for each region in the RGB image denoted by the gray-scale mask and saves them in a matrix of n x 4, where n = the number of color chips represented in the mask.

plantcv.transform.get_color_matrix(rgb_img, mask)

returns headers, color_matrix

import plantcv
import numpy as np

rgb_img = cv2.imread("target_img.png")
mask = cv2.imread("mask_img.png", -1) # mask must be read in "as-is" include -1

headers, color_matrix = pcv.transform.get_color_matrix(rgb_img, mask)

print headers
print color_matrix
['chip_number', 'r_avg', 'g_avg', 'b_avg']
[[  10.       20.7332   33.672    92.7748]
 [  20.      203.508    79.774    25.77  ]
 [  30.       54.6916   34.0924   26.0352]
 [  40.      193.2972  203.198   199.4544]
 [  50.       40.2052   92.0536   37.222 ]
 [  60.       36.9256   52.4976  123.6224]
 [  70.      177.7984  103.3772   85.1672]
 [  80.      119.4276  128.4068  126.6948]
 [  90.      141.9036   34.0584   22.5056]
 [ 100.      160.9764   50.3872   47.6984]
 [ 110.       51.994    73.584   107.734 ]
 [ 120.       65.9104   69.5172   68.482 ]
 [ 130.      227.1652  183.1696   30.1332]
 [ 140.       35.9472   25.4984   47.3424]
 [ 150.       39.51     52.9624   26.3956]
 [ 160.       32.8148   34.8512   35.5284]
 [ 170.      146.522    55.7016   94.7452]
 [ 180.      114.6672  155.3968   42.5688]
 [ 190.       84.2172   88.8424  134.2356]
 [ 200.       34.5308   90.4592  132.9108]
 [ 210.      207.1596  128.736    28.7744]
 [ 220.       74.632   158.8224  144.3724]]

Moore-Penrose Inverse

Computes the Moore-Penrose Inverse Matrix, an important step in computing the homography for color correction.

plantcv.transform.get_matrix_m(target_matrix, source_matrix)

returns matrix_a, matrix_m, matrix_b

import plantcv

matrix_a, matrix_m, matrix_b = plantcv.transform.get_matrix_m(target_matrix, source_matrix)

print "Moore-Penrose Inverse Matrix: "
print matrix_m

Transformation Matrix

Computes the transformation matrix for application to a source image to transform it to the target color profile.

plantcv.transform.calc_transformation_matrix(matrix_m, matrix_b)

returns deviance, transformation_matrix

import plantcv

deviance, transformation_matrix = plantcv.transform.calc_transformation_matrix(matrix_m, matrix_b)

Apply Transformation Matrix

Applies the transformation matrix to an image.

plantcv.transformation.apply_transformation_matrix(source_img, target_img, transformation_matrix)

returns corrected_img

Reference Images





from plantcv import plantcv as pcv
pcv.params.debug = "plot"

corrected_img = pcv.transform.apply_transformation_matrix(source_img= source_img, target_img= target_img, transformation_matrix= transformation_matrix)


Save Matrix

Save a matrix from to '.npz' file.

plantcv.transform.save_matrix(matrix, 'filename')

returns NONE

import plantcv
import numpy as np

filename = "test.npz"
matrix = np.matrix('1 2; 3 4')


Load Matrix

Load a matrix from an '.npz' file.


returns matrix

import plantcv

filename = "test.npz"

matrix = plantcv.transform.load_matrix(filename)