
Divide plant object into twenty equidistant bins and assign pseudolandmark points based upon their actual (not scaled) position Once this data is scaled this approach may provide some information regarding shape independent of size

plantcv.x_axis_pseudolandmarks(obj, mask, img)

returns landmarks_on_top (top), landmarks_on_bottom (bottom), landmarks_at_center_along_the_vertical_axis (center_V)

Input object contour and image


from plantcv import plantcv as pcv

# Set global debug behavior to None (default), "print" (to file), or "plot" (Jupyter Notebooks or X11)
pcv.params.debug = "print"

# Identify a set of land mark points
# Results in set of point values that may indicate tip points
device, top, bottom, center_v = pcv.x_axis_pseudolandmarks(obj, mask, img)

Image of points selected
