Tutorial: Workflow Parallelization

Warning: Workflows should be optimized to an image test-set before running a whole dataset. See the VIS workflow tutorial or VIS/NIR tutorial. Our download tool, which talks to a LemnaTec database system, has a specific file structure, which may be different than yours unless you are using our tool, but we also have instructions to run PlantCV over a flat file directory (just keep this in mind).

Running PlantCV over PhenoFront image data-set structure

We normally execute workflows in a shell script or in in a condor job file (or dagman workflow if running multiple workflows into one json database)

  • First call the plantcv-workflow.py script that does the parallelization
  • -d is the --directory of images
  • -p is the --workflow that you are going to run over the images, see the VIS tutorial and PSII tutorial
  • -i is the --outdir your desired location for the output images
  • -a is the --adaptor to indicate structure to grab the metadata from, either 'filename' or the default, which is 'phenofront' (lemnatec structured output)
  • -t is the --type extension 'png' is the default or 'jpg'
  • -l is the --deliminator for the filename, default is "_"
  • -C is the --coprocess the specified imgtype with the imgtype specified in --match (e.g. coprocess NIR images with VIS).
  • -f is the --meta (data) format map for example the default is "imgtype_camera_frame_zoom_id"
  • -M is the --match metadata option, for example to select a certain zoom or angle. For example: 'imgtype:VIS,camera:SV,zoom:z500'
  • -D is the --dates option, to select a certain date range of data. YYYY-MM-DD-hh-mm-ss_YYYY-MM-DD-hh-mm-ss. If the second date is excluded then the current date is assumed.
  • -j is the --json, json database name
  • -m is the --mask any image mask that you would like to provide
  • -T is the --threads (cpus) you would like to use.
  • -w is the --writeimg option, if True will write output images. default= False
  • -c is the --create option to overwrite an json database if it exists, if you are creating a new database or appending to database, do NOT add the -c flag
  • -o is the --other_args option, used to pass non-standard options to the workflow script. Must take the form --other_args="--option1 value1 --option2 value2"

If running as a command in a shell script


# Here we are running a VIS top-view workflow

time \
/home/nfahlgren/programs/plantcv/plantcv-workflow.py \
-d /home/nfahlgren/projects/lemnatec/burnin2/images3 \
-p /home/nfahlgren/programs/plantcv/scripts/image_analysis/vis_tv/vis_tv_z300_L1.py \
-t png \
-j burnin2.json \
-i /home/nfahlgren/projects/lemnatec/burnin2/plantcv3/images \
-m /home/nfahlgren/programs/plantcv/masks/vis_tv/mask_brass_tv_z300_L1.png \
-f imgtype_camera_frame_zoom_id \
-M imgtype:VIS,camera:TV,zoom:z300 \
-C NIR \
-T 10 \

# Here we are running a second VIS top-view workflow at a second zoom level

time \
/home/nfahlgren/programs/plantcv/plantcv-workflow.py \
-d /home/nfahlgren/projects/lemnatec/burnin2/images3 \
-p /home/nfahlgren/programs/plantcv/scripts/image_analysis/vis_tv/vis_tv_z1000_L1.py \
-t png \
-j burnin2.json \
-i /home/nfahlgren/projects/lemnatec/burnin2/plantcv3/images \
-m /home/nfahlgren/programs/plantcv/masks/vis_tv/mask_brass_tv_z1000_L1.png \
-f imgtype_camera_frame_zoom_id \
-M imgtype:VIS,camera:TV,zoom:z1000 \
-C NIR \
-T 10 \

Example Condor Jobfile

# HTCondor job description file #

universe         = vanilla
executable       = /home/mgehan/plantcv/plantcv-workflow.py
arguments        = -d /shares/tmockler_share/mgehan/LemnaTec/bnapus_phenotyping_katie/images-full -p /home/mgehan/kt-greenham-lemnatec/scripts/vis_nir_tv_z500_h2_e10000_brassica.py -j ktbrassica.json -i /home/mgehan/kt-greenham-lemnatec/output/output500 -f imgtype_camera_zoom_lifter_gain_exposure_id -M imgtype:VIS,camera:TV,zoom:z500 -T 16 -C NIR -w
log              = $(Cluster).$(Process).log
output           = $(Cluster).$(Process).out
error            = $(Cluster).$(Process).error
request_cpus     = 16
notification     = always
nice_user        =False
accounting_group = $ENV(CONDOR_GROUP)
getenv           = true


Running PlantCV workflows over a flat directory of images

Note: We will try and update PlantCV so that it can run over flat directories in a more flexible manner. But for now please follow the instructions on Running PlantCV over a flat directory carefully.

In order for PlantCV to scrape all of the necessary metadata from the image files, image files need to be named in a particular way.

Image name might include:

  1. Plant ID
  2. Timestamp
  3. Measurement/Experiment Label
  4. Camera Label

Example Name:

AABA002948-2014-03-14 03_29_45-Pilot_031014-VIS_TV_z3500.png

  1. Plant ID = AABA002948
  2. Timestamp = 2014-03-14 03_29_45
  3. Measurement Label = Pilot_031014
  4. Camera Label = VIS_TV_z3500

Next, run images over a flat directory with images named as described above:

We normally execute workflows as a shell script or as a condor jobfile (or dagman workflow)


# Here we are running a VIS top-view workflow over a flat directory of images

# Image names for this example look like this: cam1-16-08-06_16:45_el1100s1_p19.jpg

/home/mgehan/plantcv/plantcv-workflow.py \
-d /shares/mgehan_share/raw_data/raw_image/2016-08_pat-edger/data/split-round1/split-cam1 \
-a filename \
-p /home/mgehan/pat-edger/round1-python-pipelines/2016-08_pat-edger_brassica-cam1-splitimg.py \
-j edger-round1-brassica.json \
-i /shares/mgehan_share/raw_data/raw_image/2016-08_pat-edger/data/split-round1/split-cam1/output \
-f camera_timestamp_id_other \
-t jpg \
-T 16 \