Create Multiple Regions of Interest (ROI)

plantcv.roi.multi(img, coord, radius, spacing=None, nrows=None, ncols=None)

returns roi_contours, roi_hierarchies

  • Parameters:
    • img = Input image data.
    • coord = Two-element tuple of the center of the top left object.
    • radius = Radius of ROIs.
    • spacing = Two-element tuple of the horizontal and vertical spacing between ROIs.
    • nrows = Number of rows in ROI layout.
    • ncols = Number of columns in ROI layout.
  • Context:
    • Used to define multiple regions of interest in the same image. Users can either specify a starting coordinate (coord), number of row and columns, and spacing to create a grid of ROIs, or a custom list of coordinates that specify the centers of the ROIs. Providing a custom list of coordinates (list of tuples) is useful for missing plants or any arrangement that isn't a perfect grid. Returns lists of contours and hierarchies that can be used in downstream steps.

Reference Image


from plantcv import plantcv as pcv

# Set global debug behavior to None (default), "print" (to file), 
# or "plot" (Jupyter Notebooks or X11)
pcv.params.debug = "print"

# Make a grid of ROIs 
rois1, roi_hierarchy1 = pcv.roi.multi(img=img1, coord=(25,120), radius=20, 
                                      spacing=(70, 70), nrows=3, ncols=6)

# Specify a list of coordinates of desired ROIs 
rois2, roi_hierarchy2 = pcv.roi.multi(img=img1, coord=[(25,120), (165,260), (310, 260)], 

Grid of ROIs


Custom list of ROIs


Next steps:

Since this function returns lists of objects and hierarchies, the downstream steps require users to loop over each. The pcv.roi_objects and pcv.object_composition functions usually follow an ROI step.

import numpy as np 

img_copy = np.copy(img)

# The result file should exist if was run
if os.path.exists(args.result):
    # Open the result file
    results = open(args.result, "r")
    # The result file would have image metadata in it from, read it into memory
    metadata =
    # Close the file
    # Delete the file, we will create new ones

for i in range(0, len(rois1)):
    roi = rois1[i]
    hierarchy = roi_hierarchy1[i]
    # Find objects
    filtered_contours, filtered_hierarchy, filtered_mask, filtered_area = pcv.roi_objects(
        img=img, roi_type="partial", roi_contour=roi, roi_hierarchy=hierarchy, object_contour=obj, 

    # Combine objects together in each plant     
    plant_contour, plant_mask = pcv.object_composition(img=img, contours=filtered_contours, hierarchy=filtered_hierarchy)        

    # Analyze the shape of each plant 
    analysis_images = pcv.analyze_object(img=img_copy, obj=plant_contour, mask=plant_mask)

    # Save the image with shape characteristics 
    img_copy = analysis_images

    # Print out a text file with shape data for each plant in the image 
    filename = args.result[:-4] + "_" + str(i) + ".txt" 
    with open(filename, "w") as r:
    # Clear the measurements stored globally into the Outputs class

# Plot out the image with shape analysis on each plant in the image 

Custom list of ROIs


Custom list of ROIs


Custom list of ROIs


Many intermediate outputs later...

Image with shape analysis characteristics on each plant
