Analyze PSII Signal

Extract Fv/Fm data of objects.

plantcv.fluor_fvfm(fdark, fmin, fmax, mask, bins=256)

returns PSII analysis images (Fv image, Fv/Fm histogram)

  • Parameters:
    • fdark - image object, grayscale
    • fmin - image object grayscale
    • fmax - image object, grayscale
    • mask - binary mask of selected contours
    • bins - number of grayscale bins (0-256 for 8-bit images and 0 to 65,536), if you would like to bin data, you would alter this number (default bins=256)
  • Context:
    • Used to extract fv/fm per identified plant pixel.
    • Generates histogram of fv/fm data.
    • Generates fv/fm image.
  • Example use:
  • Output data stored: Data ('fvfm_hist', 'fvfm_hist_peak', 'fvfm_median', 'fdark_passed_qc') automatically gets stored to the Outputs class when this function is ran. These data can always get accessed during a workflow (example below). Summary of Output Observations

Fdark image


Fmin image


Fmax image


from plantcv import plantcv as pcv

# Set global debug behavior to None (default), "print" (to file), 
# or "plot" (Jupyter Notebooks or X11)
pcv.params.debug = "print"

# Analyze Fv/Fm    
fvfm_images = pcv.fluor_fvfm(fdark, fmin, fmax, kept_mask, 256)

# Access data stored out from fluor_fvfm
fvfm_median = pcv.outputs.observations['fvfm_median']['value']

# Store the two images
fv_im g= fvfm_images[0]
fvfm_his = fvfm_images[1]

# Pseudocolor the Fv/Fm image
pseudo_img = pcv.pseudocolor(gray_img=fv_img, mask=kept_mask)

Histogram of Fv/Fm values


Pseudocolored output image based on Fv/Fm


The grayscale Fv/Fm image (returned to analysis_image) can be used with the pcv.visualize.pseudocolor function which allows the user to pick a colormap for plotting.

Source Code: Here