Cluster Contours

This function take a image with multiple contours and clusters them based on user input of rows and columns.

platncv.cluster_contours(img, roi_objects, roi_obj_hierarchy, nrow=1,ncol=1, show_grid=False)

returns grouped_contour_indexes, contours, hierarchy

  • Parameters:
    • img - RGB or grayscale image data for plotting
    • roi_objects - object contours in an image that are needed to be clustered.
    • roi_obj_hierarchy - object hierarchy
    • nrow - approximate number of rows (default nrow=1)
    • ncol - approximate number of columns (default ncol=1)
    • show_grid - if True then a grid gets displayed in debug mode (default show_grid=False)
  • Context:
    • Cluster contours based on number of approximate rows and columns
  • Example use:

ROI Objects Output


from plantcv import plantcv as pcv

# Set global debug behavior to None (default), "print" (to file), 
# or "plot" (Jupyter Notebooks or X11)

pcv.params.debug = "print"

# clusters them based on user input of rows and columns
clusters_i, contours, hierarchy = pcv.cluster_contours(img, roi_objects, 
                                                       roi_obj_hierarchy, 4, 6)
clusters_i, contours, hierarchy = pcv.cluster_contours(img, roi_objects, 
                                                       4, 6, show_grid=True)

Cluster Contour Image


Cluster Contour Image with Grid


Source Code: Here