
PlantCV-Geospatial documentation is hosted on Read the Docs. Using Read the Docs allows the documentation to be versioned along with the code. Because Read the Docs supports static content build tools like Mkdocs, documentation can be written in simple Markdown format that will be built into HTML automatically whenever a new version of code is pushed to the PlantCV GitHub repository.

Updating PlantCV documentation

Follow the installation guide to learn how clone a copy of the PlantCV-Geospatial repository. Then see the main PlantCV contributing guide for an overview on how to edit files, and generate a pull request to merge your updates back into the repository. Changes to PlantCV-Geospatial should be done in a branch, and pull against the main branch which corresponds to the latest version of the documentation on Read the Docs.

PlantCV-Geopspatial is an add-on package to compliment functionality of PlantCV so please refer to the updating guide here.