Moore-Penrose Inverse

Computes the Moore-Penrose Inverse Matrix, an important step in computing the homography for color correction.

plantcv.transform.get_matrix_m(target_matrix, source_matrix)

returns matrix_a, matrix_m, matrix_b

  • Parameters

    • target_matrix - a n x 4 matrix containing the average red value, average green value, and average blue value for each color chip.
    • source_matrix - a n x 4 matrix containing the average red value, average green value, and average blue value for each color chip.
  • Returns

    • matrix_a - a concatenated n x 9 matrix of source_matrix red, green, and blue values to the powers 1, 2, 3
    • matrix_m - a 9 x n Moore-Penrose inverse matrix
    • matrix_b - a n x 9 matrix of linear, quadratic, and cubic RGB values from target_img

from plantcv import plantcv as pcv

matrix_a, matrix_m, matrix_b = pcv.transform.get_matrix_m(target_matrix=target_matrix, source_matrix=s_matrix)

print("Moore-Penrose Inverse Matrix: ")