
Performs a perspective warp based on ground control points to align images

plantcv.transform.warp(img, refimg, pts, refpts, method="default")

returns image after warping

  • Parameters:
    • img - binary or grayscale image to warp
    • refimg - image used as a reference for the warp
    • pts - coordinate points on img. 4 pairs should be given as a list of tuples
    • refpts - corresponding coordinate points on refimg. 4 pairs should be given as a list of tuples
    • method - method of calculating the transformation matrix. Available options are 'default', 'ransac', 'lmeds', 'rho' which correspond to the opencv methods and vary based on how they handle outlier points
  • Context:
    • Warps an image without preserving parallel lines. Read about different transformations at OpenCV
  • Example use:

A mask derived from a RGB image can be used to segment an NIR image which is difficult to segment otherwise.

Input image

A mask derived from a RGB image 2056x2454


An image from a SWIR camera is used as the reference image to define the transformation is 7000x5000

reference image

In this case we know the field of view of the two images is the same so we can use the image corners to define the transformation. In other cases you might need to establish corresponding control points in each image.

from plantcv import plantcv as pcv

# Set global debug behavior to None (default), "print" (to file),
# or "plot" (Jupyter Notebooks or X11)
mrow, mcol = mask.shape
vrow, vcol, vdepth = grayimg.shape

img_warped = pcv.transform.warp(img=mask,
                                pts = [(0,0),(mcol-1,0),(mcol-1,mrow-1),(0,mrow-1)],
                                refpts = [(0,0),(vcol-1,0),(vcol-1,vrow-1),(0,vrow-1)]),

Here is the warped mask: refimg with overlay

Here is the warped mask overlayed on the reference image: refimg with overlay

Source Code: Here