Scharr Filter

This is a filtering method used to identify and highlight gradient edges/features using the 1st derivative. Typically used to identify gradients along the x-axis (dx = 1, dy = 0) and y-axis (dx = 0, dy = 1) independently. Performance is quite similar to Sobel filter. Used to detect edges and/or changes in pixel intensity.

plantcv.scharr_filter(img, dx, dy, scale)

returns filtered image

  • Parameters:
    • img - RGB or grayscale image data
    • dx - derivative of x to analyze (0 or 1)
    • dy - derivative of y to analyze (0 or 1)
    • scale - scaling factor applied (multiplied) to computed Scharr values (scale = 1 is unscaled)
  • Context:
    • This is a filtering method used to identify and highlight gradient edges/features using the 1st derivative. Typically used to identify gradients along the x-axis (dx = 1, dy = 0) and y-axis (dx = 0, dy = 1) independently. Performance is quite similar to Sobel filter.
    • Derivatives must sum to 1 (dx+dy == 1) in order to run

Original image


from plantcv import plantcv as pcv

# Set global debug behavior to None (default), "print" (to file), 
# or "plot" (Jupyter Notebooks or X11)
pcv.params.debug = "print"

# Apply to a grayscale image
sr_x_img = pcv.scharr_filter(gray_img=gray_img, dx=1, dy=0, scale=1)
sr_y_img = pcv.scharr_filter(gray_img=gray_img, dx=0, dy=1, scale=1)

Scharr filtered (x-axis)


Scharr filtered (y-axis)


Source Code: Here