Organization of PlantCV Outputs

During parallel processing, outputs from PlantCV analysis functions are collected into a hierarchical JSON output file. The JSON file is used to collect image metadata and PlantCV output observations for the entire image set. The hierarchical data structure is more flexible than the previous tabular structure: entities (typically individual images) do not need to have a rigid set of observations, and users can easily record custom observations without the need to update a database schema.

Data Structure

The JSON output file has two top-level sections: variables is a collection of all observation names found in the dataset, and entities is a list of data blocks for each unit of analysis (typically an image, or a sub-region of an image) in the dataset. For each entity there are two data blocks: metadata is a set of key-value pairs of metadata keywords and their values (e.g. image or experimental metadata such as timestamp, treatment, etc.), and observations is a set of data blocks of observational data or measurements. Each observation has the same set of information, roughly following the MIAPPE guidelines: trait is the name of the observation, method is generally the PlantCV function name used (but it could be another method), scale is the observation units, datatype is the Python data type the data are stored as, value is the observation output value(s), and label is the data/category label.

Example (abbreviated) JSON data:

    "variables": {
        "image": 1,
        "camera": 1,
        "imgtype": 1,
        "zoom": 1,
        "exposure": 1,
        "gain": 1,
        "frame": 1,
        "lifter": 1,
        "timestamp": 1,
        "id": 1,
        "plantbarcode": 1,
        "treatment": 1,
        "cartag": 1,
        "measurementlabel": 1,
        "other": 1,
        "pixel_area": 1
    "entities": [
            "metadata": {
                "image": "./images/snapshot57393/VIS_SV_90_z1_h1_g0_e82_117872.png",
                "camera": "SV",
                "imgtype": "VIS",
                "zoom": "z1",
                "exposure": "e82",
                "gain": "g0",
                "frame": "90",
                "lifter": "h1",
                "timestamp": "2014-10-22 17:59:23.046",
                "id": "117872",
                "plantbarcode": "Ca002AA010557",
                "treatment": "none",
                "cartag": "1663",
                "measurementlabel": "C002ch_092214_biomass",
                "other": "none"
            "observations": {
                "pixel_area": {
                    "trait": "area",
                    "method": "plantcv.plantcv.analyze_object",
                    "scale": "pixels",
                    "datatype": "<class 'int'>",
                    "value": 10000,
                    "label": "pixels"
                "hull_area": {
                    "trait": "convex hull area",
                    "method": "plantcv.plantcv.analyze_object",
                    "scale": "pixels",
                    "datatype": "<class 'int'>",
                    "value": 100000,
                    "label": "pixels"

Summary of Output Metadata

Below is a list of currently tracked metadata types in PlantCV. None of these are strictly required. If you have suggestions for additional metadata we should track that would be useful to you, please submit an issue or contact us. Ideally, we will be able to handle the full MIAPPE specification at some point.

Name Description
plantbarcode plant (specimin) identifier, name, or code
timestamp date and time the image was acquired
treatment treatment name or ID
camera camera name or ID
imgtype type of image (e.g. RGB, VIS, NIR, etc.)
zoom camera optical or digital zoom setting
exposure camera exposure setting
gain camera gain setting
frame frame name or ID in a multi-frame series
lifter position if a variable height lifting system was used
id image ID or other arbitrary ID
cartag carrier or pot ID
measurementlabel experiment name or ID
other other information

Summary of Output Observations

Variable Trait Method Scale Data Type Description
tip_coordinates tip coordinates acute_vertex none list list of positions (PATO:0000140) of tip points
red_frequencies red frequencies analyze_color frequency list red (PATO:0000322) intensity frequency distribution (values of 0-255 in RGB colorspace)
green_frequencies green frequencies analyze_color frequency list green (PATO:0000320) intensity frequency distribution (values of 0-255 in RGB colorspace)
blue_frequencies blue frequencies analyze_color frequency list blue (PATO:0000318) intensity frequency distribution (values of 0-255 in RGB colorspace)
lightness_frequencies lightness frequencies analyze_color frequency list lightness (PATO:0000016) frequency distribution (values of 0-100% in LAB colorspace)
green-magenta_frequencies green-magenta frequencies analyze_color frequency list green-magenta component frequency distribution (values of -127 to 128 in LAB colorspace)
blue-yellow_frequencies blue-yellow frequencies analyze_color frequency list blue-yellow component frequency distribution (values of -127 to 128 in LAB colorspace)
hue_frequencies hue frequencies analyze_color frequency list hue (PATO:0000015) frequency distribution (values of 0-359 degrees in HSV colorspace)
saturation_frequencies saturation frequencies analyze_color frequency list saturation (PATO:0000017) frequency distribution (values of 0-100% in HSV colorspace)
value_frequencies value frequencies analyze_color frequency list value (PATO:0000016) frequency distribution (values of 0-100% in HSV colorspace)
hue_circular_mean hue circular mean analyze_color degrees float circular mean of hue values
hue_circular_std hue circular standard deviation analyze_color degrees float circular standard deviation of hue values
hue_median hue median analyze_color degrees float median (NCIT:C28007) of hue values
horizontal_reference_position horizontal reference position analyze_bound_horizontal none int position (PATO:0000140) of horizontal reference point
height_above_reference height above reference analyze_bound_horizontal pixels int height (PATO:0000119) of object above reference position
height_below_reference height below reference analyze_bound_horizontal pixels int height (PATO:0000119) of object below reference position
area_above_reference area above reference analyze_bound_horizontal pixels int area (PATO:0001323) of object above reference position
area_below_reference area below reference analyze_bound_horizontal pixels int area (PATO:0001323) of object below reference position
percent_area_above_reference percent area above reference analyze_bound_horizontal percent float proportion (PATO:0001470) of object area above reference position
percent_area_below_reference percent area below reference analyze_bound_horizontal percent float proportion (PATO:0001470) of object area below reference position
vertical_reference_position vertical reference position analyze_bound_vertical none int position (PATO:0000140) of vertical reference point
width_left_reference width left of reference analyze_bound_vertical pixels int width (PATO:0000921) of object left of reference position
width_right_reference height below of reference analyze_bound_vertical pixels int width (PATO:0000921) of object right of reference position
area_left_reference area left of reference analyze_bound_vertical pixels int area (PATO:0001323) of object left of reference position
area_right_reference area right of reference analyze_bound_vertical pixels int area (PATO:0001323) of object right of reference position
percent_area_left_reference percent area left of reference analyze_bound_vertical percent float proportion (PATO:0001470) of object area left of reference position
percent_area_right_reference percent area right of reference analyze_bound_vertical percent float proportion (PATO:0001470) of object area right of reference position
nir_frequencies near-infrared frequencies analyze_nir_intensity frequency list near-infrared intensity frequency distribution (values in 8- or 16-bit sensor detection range)
area area analyze_object pixels int area (PATO:0001323) of object
convex_hull_area convex hull area analyze_object pixels int area (PATO:0001323) of convex hull
solidity solidity analyze_object none float ratio (PATO:0001470): area / convex hull area
perimeter perimeter analyze_object pixels int perimeter (PATO:0001711) around object
width width analyze_object pixels int width (PATO:0000921) of object
height height analyze_object pixels int height (PATO:0000119) of object
longest_path longest path analyze_object pixels int length (PATO:0000122) of longest path between convex hull vertices through the center of mass
center_of_mass center of mass analyze_object none tuple position (PATO:0000140) of center of mass
convex_hull_vertices convex hull vertices analyze_object none int number (PATO:0001555) of convex hull vertices
object_in_frame object in frame analyze_object none bool true of false (false if the object is touching the border of the image)
ellipse_center ellipse center analyze_object none tuple position (PATO:0000140) of the center of the minimum bounding ellipse
ellipse_major_axis ellipse major axis length analyze_object pixels int length (PATO:0000122) of the major axis of the minimum bounding ellipse
ellipse_minor_axis ellipse minor axis length analyze_object pixels int length (PATO:0000122) of the minor axis of the minimum bounding ellipse
ellipse_angle ellipse major axis angle analyze_object degrees float angle (PATO:0002326) of rotation of the bounding ellipse major axis
ellipse_eccentricity ellipse eccentricity analyze_object none float eccentricity of the bounding ellipse
fvfm_hist Fv/Fm frequencies fluor_fvfm none list Fv/Fm frequency distribution
fvfm_hist_peak peak Fv/Fm value fluor_fvfm none float peak Fv/Fm value
fvfm_median Fv/Fm median fluor_fvfm none float median (NCIT:C28007) Fv/Fm value
fdark_passed_qc Fdark passed QC fluor_fvfm none bool true of false (false if the Fdark image has values > 2000)
vert_ave_c average vertical distance from centroid landmark_reference_pt_dist pixels float average vertical distance from centroid
hori_ave_c average horizontal distance from centeroid landmark_reference_pt_dist pixels float average horizontal distance from centeroid
euc_ave_c average euclidean distance from centroid landmark_reference_pt_dist pixels float average euclidean distance from centroid
ang_ave_c average angle between landmark point and centroid landmark_reference_pt_dist degrees float average angle between landmark point and centroid
vert_ave_b average vertical distance from baseline landmark_reference_pt_dist pixels float average vertical distance from baseline
hori_ave_b average horizontal distance from baseline landmark_reference_pt_dist pixels float average horizontal distance from baseline
euc_ave_b average euclidean distance from baseline landmark_reference_pt_dist pixels float average euclidean distance from baseline
ang_ave_b average angle between landmark point and baseline landmark_reference_pt_dist degrees float average angle between landmark point and baseline
num_cycles number of cycles morphology.check_cycles none int number (PATO:0001555) of closed loops (cycles) in a skeletonized object
segment_angle segment angle morphology.segment_angle degrees list list of angles (PATO:0002326) of segment paths found by fitting a linear regression line to each segment
segment_curvature segment curvature morphology.segment_curvature none list list of curvatures (the ratio between geodesic and euclidean distance) of segment paths
segment_eu_length segment euclidean length morphology.segment_euclidean_length pixels list list of Euclidean Distance Measurements (NCIT:C65170) between segment endpoints
segment_insertion_angle segment insertion angle morphology.segment_insertion_angle degrees list list of angles (PATO:0002326) between "leaf" and "stem" segments
segment_path_length segment path length morphology.segment_path_length pixels list list of lengths (PATO:0000122) along each segment path
segment_tangent_angle segment tangent angle morphology.segment_tangent_angle degrees list list of angles (PATO:0002326) between the tangents to the ends of each segment
marker_area marker area report_size_marker_area pixels int area (PATO:0001323) of a size marker object
marker_ellipse_major_axis marker ellipse major axis length report_size_marker_area pixels int length (PATO:0000122) of the major axis of the minimum bounding ellipse of a size marker
marker_ellipse_minor_axis marker ellipse minor axis length report_size_marker_area pixels int length (PATO:0000122) of the minor axis of the minimum bounding ellipse of a size marker
marker_ellipse_eccentricity marker ellipse eccentricity report_size_marker_area none float eccentricity of the bounding ellipse of a size marker
estimated_object_count estimated object count watershed_segmentation none int number (PATO:0001555) of segmented objects (e.g. leaves)
top_lmk top landmark coordinates x_axis_pseudolandmarks none list list of landmark points within 'top' portion
bottom_lmk bottom landmark coordinates x_axis_pseudolandmarks none list list of landmark points within 'bottom' portion
center_v_lmk center vertical landmark coordinates x_axis_pseudolandmarks none list list of landmark points within 'center-vertical' portion
left_lmk left landmark coordinates y_axis_pseudolandmarks none list list of landmark points within 'left' portion
right_lmk right landmark coordinates y_axis_pseudolandmarks none list list of landmark points within 'right' portion
center_h_lmk center horizontal landmark coordinates y_axis_pseudolandmarks none list list of landmark points within 'center-horizontal' portion