Median Blur

Applies a median blur filter. Applies median value to central pixel within a kernel size (ksize x ksize). The function is a wrapper for the OpenCV function median blur.

median_blur(img, ksize, device, debug=None)**

returns device, blurred image

  • Parameters:
    • img - img object
    • ksize - kernel size => ksize x ksize box, must be an odd value
    • device - Counter for image processing steps
    • debug - None, "print", or "plot". Print = save to file, Plot = print to screen. Default = None
  • Context:
    • Used to reduce image noise
  • Example use:

Thresholded image


import plantcv as pcv

# Apply median blur to a binary image that has been previously thresholded.
device, blur_5 = pcv.median_blur(img, 5, device, debug="print")

Median blur (k = 5)


import plantcv as pcv

# Apply median blur to a binary image that has been previously thresholded.
device, blur_11 = pcv.median_blur(img, 11, device, debug="print")

Median blur (k = 11)
