class Params¶
A global PlantCV parameters class.
class plantcv.Params
is a class that stores global PlantCV attributes. An instance of Params
is created on import automatically
as plantcv.params
. Updated PlantCV functions import the plantcv.params
instance to access globally
configured attributes.
Attributes are accessed as plantcv.params.attribute.
device: A counter for image processing steps that is autoincremented by functions that use params
. Default = 0.
debug: Debugging mode. Values are None
, "print", or "plot". Default = None
debug_outdir: The directory to output debug images to when plantcv.debug
= "print".
line_thickness: The line thickness for plots created by plantcv.analyze.size, plantcv.analyze.bound_horizontal. plantcv.analyze.bound_vertical, plantcv.roi.filter, plantcv.homology.scale_features, plantcv.homology.x_axis_pseudolandmarks, plantcv.homology.y_axis_pseudolandmarks, plantcv.morphology.prune, plantcv.morphology.find_branch_pts, plantcv.morphology.check_cycles, plantcv.morphology.find_tips, plantcv.morphology.segment_skeleton, plantcv.morphology.segment_tangent_angle, plantcv.morphology.segment_id, and every region of interest function. Default = 5.
line_color: The line color for singular ROI debug images, including, plantcv.roi.rectangle, plantcv.roi.ellipse, and plantcv.roi.custom.
dpi: Dots per inch for plotting debugging images. Default = 100.
text_size: Size of the text for labels in debugging plots created by segment_angle, segment_curvature, segment_euclidean_length, segment_id, segment_insertion_angle, segment_path_length, and segment_tangent_angle from the morphology sub-package. Default = 0.55.
text_thickness: Thickness of the text for labels in debugging plots created by segment_angle, segment_curvature, segment_euclidean_length, segment_id, segment_insertion_angle, segment_path_length, and segment_tangent_angle from the morphology sub-package. Default = 2.
marker_size: Size of markers in debugging plots created by plantcv.transform.warp. Default = 60.
color_scale: The name of a color scale (a Matplot lib colormap) used by segment_angle, segment_curvature, segment_euclidean_length, segment_insertion_angle, segment_path_length, and segment_skeleton, segment_tangent_angle from the morphology sub-package, spatial_clustering, and watershed_segmentation from the base package. Default = "gist_rainbow". See the Matplotlib website for available options.
color_sequence: Set the sequence of colors from the color_scale
created by the color_palette
function to "sequential" or "random" order. Default = "sequential".
sample_label: Set the sample label (label
) for all analyze functions. Default = "default".
saved_color_scale: Using the color_palette
function will save the color scale here for reuse in downstream functions. Set to None
to remove. Default = None
verbose: Set the status of verboseness. When in "verbose" mode, the deprecation warning will always be printed once triggered. Default: True
. Users can turn off deprecation warnings by setting verbose=False
Updated PlantCV functions use params
implicitly, so overriding the params
defaults will alter the behavior of
updated functions. In the meantime, it can also be used with older-style functions.
from plantcv import plantcv as pcv
# Set debug to plot instead of None
pcv.params.debug = "plot"
# Use a pre-v3 function to open an image
# Note that pcv.params.debug is passed to the debug argument
img, imgpath, imgname = pcv.readimage(filename="test.png")
# Use a v3 function to create a region of interest
# Note that debug is not explicitly provided but is used implicitly by the function
pcv.params.line_color = (255, 0, 0) # Draw with blue line color
roi = pcv.roi.rectangle(x=100, y=100, h=200, w=200, img=img)
# It might be preferred to have a thicker or thinner line drawn depending on the size of the image.
# Change line thickness from the default (5) to make it thinner, and plot the rectangular ROI again,
# (note: this won't change the returns for most functions but instead is a purely optional preference regarding the plot in debug='print' and debug='plot')
pcv.params.line_thickness = 3
roi = pcv.roi.rectangle(x=100, y=100, h=200, w=200, img=img)
Default Thickness (5)
pcv.params.line_thickness = 3
Source Code: Here