Texture Threshold

Creates a binary image from a grayscale image using skimage texture calculation for thresholding.

plantcv.threshold.texture(gray_img, ksize, threshold, offset=3, texture_method='dissimilarity', borders='nearest')

returns thresholded/binary image

  • Parameters:
    • gray_img - Grayscale image data
    • ksize - Kernel size for texture measure calculation
    • threshold - Threshold value (0-255)
    • offset - Distance offsets (default offset=3)
    • texture_method - Feature of a grey level co-occurrence matrix, either ‘contrast’, ‘dissimilarity’ (default), ‘homogeneity’, ‘ASM’, ‘energy’, or ‘correlation’. For equations of different features see this link
    • borders - How the array borders are handled, either ‘reflect’, ‘constant’, ‘nearest’ (default), ‘mirror’, or ‘wrap’
  • Context:
    • Used to threshold based on texture
  • Note:
    • This function is computationally expensive and will likely take several minutes to run (even longer if images are large).
  • Example use:
    • Below

Original image (lightness channel)


from plantcv import plantcv as pcv

# Set global debug behavior to None (default), "print" (to file), 
# or "plot" (Jupyter Notebooks or X11)

pcv.params.debug = "plot"

# Create binary image from a gray image based on texture values.
texture_img = pcv.threshold.texture(gray_img, ksize=6, threshold=7, offset=3, 
                                    texture_method='dissimilarity', borders='nearest')

Thresholded image


Source Code: Here